Hi there, enjoy every moment!
Ever heard of the saying ‘Life is too short to wear boring clothes’, well yeah.. that is practically true for those interested in ‘fashion’ and ‘how they look’.
Moment by moment, each day passes, hours pass by, minutes keep moving, seconds keep counting, and before we know it, we ask the ‘where’ ‘what’ ‘who’ questions
I know life to be a journey, yeah! ask the foetus in a womb
I know life to be a process, yeah! ask the planted seed
I know life to be in stages, yeah! ask the butterfly
The essence of life would make more sense when we enjoy life.
Life is not something that happens and walks away
Life is a being that gives meaning wherever it is found
No one wonder when man was created, the creator had to breathe life into man to give man meaning and purpose, if you permit
I, therefore, agree with the school of thought that says ‘enjoy every moment’
You might be cool, handsome, beautiful and dope today
However, tomorrow can be otherwise, so let’s enjoy life while we can
Do what you can while you can, give while you can, love while you can, serve while you can, dance while you can, smile, laugh, and do all things that give you joy while you can.
Enjoy every moment, fellas!
Don’t be caught in tomorrow that you lose the value and essence of today!
Enjoy every moment!
With this in mind, I would say welcome to my first post. I hope you enjoy every moment here as you read.
Yours truly.
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